Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday is our favorite day

Tuesday has become our favorite day of the week. Every Tuesday we go to the Library for lapsit. Lapsit is from 10:15-11 a.m. For the first 15-20 minutes we do free play. Karter usually does the puzzles, magnets or cars. He has ventured out to dress up, kitchen play or even blocks. But mainly he does the same thing every time. After free play we sit in our circle and listen to music, read books, bubbles or do parachute play. Karter doesn't usually participate during the songs. He loves to listen to them and he is taking in every single verse and word being sung. But he will not do the hand motions or movements. There's too much of a crowd. After lapsit is over we go check out our books. We usually get 10 books 2 of which HAVE to be Curious George. Karter loves to give the librarian our card and hand her each book. I'm sure they hate this part because it takes for ever. So if the self checkout is available we will use that just so we don't frustrate the poor ladies. After we get to our car Karter usually starts making his song suggestions. He loves to sing AFTER we get in the car or get home but he won't do it there. These songs are his current favorites: 1 little 2 little 3 little bubbles, finger poppin', shake my sillies out and we have to do little mouse little mouse. We do these every day.
On one particular Tuesday, after lapsit, Rachel Soper invited us to go to the Fire Station with her, Luke and Leta. I have been wanting to take Karter but never wanted to go alone. So this was an added bonus for K. He got to see the firemen, firetrucks and hang out with Luke.
Karter loved the firehouse. Mostly he like to run around like a crazy man but he did enjoy sitting in the firetrucks and seeing all of the neat equipment. When we were about ready to leave the firemen handed L, L and K stickers and coloring pages. They also let them take turns shooting water from the hoses. Luke and Leta loved doing that but Karter, Nope he stayed off to the side or tried to run back to the car. He didn't like that part. Karter loved visiting the fire station

Detecting heat. It was a pretty cool toy

Leta wasn't too sure about sitting there for a quick picture

Karter had to do everything Luke did

I love these 3

Karter did not want to spray the water hose. He was perfectly happy with his sticker.

Luke and Leta spraying the water hose

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