Monday, October 26, 2009

4 Months Old

Karter had his 4 month apt. on October 5th. The first thing Dr. Prough said was "Oh my Karter You're a real big boy" then she laughed. I get this alot. We went over the things he should be doing for his age. Like grabbing things (toys, clothing and pretty much anything in reach) he is right on. At this point he wasn't rolling over and had NO interest in it at all. Brandon and I had been working on it for weeks. She said it'd come with time and that he was close. She did warn me that once he figured it out..he'd be on the go. He is pretty busy this one. I also asked her why he wasn't eating as well as he once had been....she told me that he just has better things to do than eat. I know it doesn't look like he has a problem eating but let me tell you it is a constant battle in this house. I can't tell you how often I cry because he just isn't doing it the way he is supposed to. I have to put him to sleep and trick him into eating. I have to stay within 15-20 minutes of my house so I can rush home to do all of this . I continue to pray extra hard that my good eater will return to me soon. Dr. Prough seems to think it will. I hope she's right. At this apt. he had 3 shots. He was so mad this go 'round. Almost inconsolable. I hope this gets easier on him and myself. Right before she left she said we could start cereal whenever he was ready. Well I tell you this kid was ready long ago. He watches everything we put in our mouth while smacking his lips. He reaches for our food, sits in his highchair very well and his back and fourt tongue reflex has stopped. So that very day I went out and bought our first box of organic rice cereal.

4 month stats.
Weight: 17 lbs. 11.5 ozs. 95%
Height: 27 1/4 inches. 97% We have a tall little boy on our hands
Head 43 cm. 75%

Mom why do you always have that camera in my face?

Sitting like a big boy

Gonna be a football player for sure

Those are some big shoes to fill

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