Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Changes

Karter had his first "real meal" on Friday October 9th. We started him on organic rice cereal. We talked it up to him, like he knew what we were saying anyways. So after I nursed him we put him in his highchair, which we do every night during dinner, to give him his first taste. He loved it. He kept lunging at the spoon almost gagging himself in the process. I did the recommended 3 Tbsp. and he ate almost all of it. It was like he knew what to do the entire time. After the first bite he blinks really fast and alot. I have video and will try to post it if I can figure it out.
Also on the very same day we started cereal we decided we would try him out in his own room for the very first time. He has slept in his pack n play every night right by my side for the last 4 1/2 months. I was so nervous and kept asking Brandon if he was sure it was time. He was. I was too I was just scared. Karter cried a little bit so we went in his room to put his pacifier in his mouth and comfort him. After about 10 minutes he started crying again. I was about to get out of bed to repeat this step but Brandon said we'll try letting him cry it out. Thankfully B had the monitor on his side of the bed so I turned away from it and started crying. This lasted all of 15 minutes before he was out. I on the other hand took an hour to finally go to sleep because of the crying I did. I was too upset to sleep. I tell you Karter sleeps like a champ in his bed. I think he needed to be in his room and in his bed for good sleep. If I would've known it would only take 15 minutes of tears to get some good sleep for all of us...I would've done it a long time ago. Karter still wakes up at 3 to eat and then again at 6 but this was big progress for us. His Dr. says I can let him go all night without eating at 6 months. Hopefully he'll do it on his own and we won't have to make him cry it out again.

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