I love the way you say Big. You say it as if you are lifting something SO HEAVY. With a bit of a grunt and holding your breath sort of way. I smile every.time.
We can't pass a Braum's without you thinking you need I Ceeaam. You say I Ceeaam pease pease pease over and over.
Every time we are in the car we have to listen to your "baby music" lately it's been the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Music on Pandora.
You love to put your toothbrush and toothpaste on top of the hangers in my closet.
Your favorite place to go poop in behind my jeans in my closet. I always know what your doing when your back there.
You think you are such a big boy now that you are sitting with us at the table and no longer in your highchair.
The love for your Daddy grows more and more every single day. You must be at his side at all times
You think it's the greatest thing in the world to take showers with your Daddy.
I love that you kiss me after I'm finished singing He's got the whole world in his hands then you'll lay your head back down on my shoulder and say again or more so I have to sing it again. And I do because I want another kiss from you. This sometimes goes on for 5 or 10 minutes.
I love how concerned you get when a baby is crying.
You no longer cry when we leave you in your bible class or B&S class.
And mostly I love that you laugh all the time.
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