Saturday, May 7, 2011

Snow and Valentines

It's been a long time since my last blog post and I'm sure I have lost my one follower but I did have a good excuse for not updating. Since we live "in the country" (that's what most internet providers think) we had a pretty sorry internet connection using the only internet provider that would even try to give us service. Well after waiting 4 almost 5 long years for COX to get to us they finally did. So we cancelled our "high speed internet" with @link and waited for COX. So now we have real high speed internet and I'm able to sit here and give updates to I'm sure no one but myself.

In the first part of February we had a good sized snow storm hit OK. I'm sure I'm the only one to say this but I hope this trend continues. For the last 2 years we can actually say it snowed here. I loved every minute of it. The first day it hit it was too cold and windy to go out. In fact it was dangerous to be out there for any amount of time. So we waited until the sun came out and for the wind to stop. B got to stay home from work for 3 days due to the conditions. 3 days off work plus the 2 day weekend, we were spoiled. Karter loved watching the snow fall from the front door but as soon as we were out in it he loved it even more. He did have to "warm" up to the idea of it but he quickly did. He didn't want to walk around in the pretty fluffy snow because it was so deep so we let him walk around in the street where it was much more compacted. We enjoyed sledding, painting the snow, making snowballs, making snowmen, shoveling the driveway and watching the kids across the street ski and snowboard off their driveway.

For Valentines Day Karter and Daddy made me flowers. Brandon cut out all 4 flowers and traced Karter's hand print on each one. He used some of my old scrapbooking stickers and decorated them up. Karter colored on a few of them. Then they put on each flower We Love You. B made stems and attached the flowers to them. He pulled out a vase I had put away and had them sitting on the bar along side a VS gift card. It was a great surprise.
Karter and I went to a cupcake shop in town called Cupcakes to Go Go. Everyone had been talking about how wonderful the cupcakes were. So we bought 3 different cupcakes for all of us to share for our special day. Karter had a chocolate chocolate cupcake, B had a peanut butter cup cupcake and I had a red velvet cupcake. I honestly wasn't impressed but it was a nice treat since we don't have cupcakes a lot.
For Brandon gift I made him some chocolate covered strawberries and bought him a pair of tennis shoes. Two of his favorite things. He didn't NEED the shoes at all but they were on sale and he somehow convinced me that he needed a new pair of all black shox's. Getting ready to go outside

All ready to play in the snow

Walking in the street

Snow Painting

Our first family snowman. He's pretty pathetic. I'll invest more time in finding snowman items next time. Carrots didn't do the trick

B and K made me Flowers with K's hand prints on them and stickers. Also B got me a much needed VS Gift card

Brandon's Valentines gift from me. Homemade Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Karter making Valentines cookies. He got "Mess" on his hands then he wanted down and to get a bath. We did not teach this whole Mess thing to him.

I picked up 3 cupcakes from Cupcakes to Go Go for Valentines day. K enjoyed the frosting off of his until he realized he was a MESS.

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