Some things Karter loves are:
Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, hot dogs, grapes, strawberries, watermelon, M&M's (thanks Brandon), milk, water, water bottles, shoes (anyone's shoes), hats, Elmo (he doesn't watch tv he only knows Elmo from his books and the song I sing when we spot Elmo), going bye-bye, dogs from afar, horses and cows, riding on the 4-wheeler with daddy every night, snacks, eating with a fork by himself, his "I can push or pull" (his baby 4-wheeler; he knows it by the song it sings), any ball, pulling things out of the bathroom cabinets, throwing things in the trash that aren't supposed to go in the trash, going outside, vacuuming, sweeping, putting wet clothes in the dryer.
Some things Karter does not like:
getting his diaper changed, getting swats for not obeying Mommy, walking in the grass(but this has changed in the last few days), touching sand, swimming, meeting new people, taking food from anyone other than Mommy sometimes Daddy, Mommy leaving a room, Mommy cooking or even being in the kitchen at all, Daddy going outside without him, loud noises, veggies,
Karter does or says:
dog, Mama, Daddy, Ball (for anything that is circle. We are working on that), boat, book, wall, door, Where'd it go, water bottle, plays basketball outside with daddy can drop ball in hoop, I got him to say "No More Football" 2 times
He can sign: all done, please and more
He follows simple commands such as:
go get your shoes, take one more bite/drink, let's go change your stinky(go to your changing table), time for night night (get in mommy's lap for snack,book and milk), lets go bye-bye(go to laundry room and wait by the door), get the ball,
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